
the most amazing thing about this amazing spring is that I’m right there with it. so unlike the years I lived through bitterly grudging each blossom’s opening. this season the town is resplendent, suddenly afroth with a vista of petals—pink, white, yellow, purple, the vivid oranges and reds of upright tulips sprung from the earth on the promise of last autumn’s bulbs—I’ve seldom seen a spring so gaudy—and here am I right along with it, heart alight, song in the blood—eyes gladdened and welcoming the spectacle literally unfolding on every side. this is a relief—a boon—a long-promised payback for the seasons of out-of-sync resentment and smallness—for the slaps against a shattered heart. this spring says to me: you are just right with the world. rejoice.

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