another summer friday

it just occurred to me how nice an old folks’ home might be, minus the “old” part. I was turning over in my mind for the forty bizillionth time how to start up a standing games night when it hit me– man, if I just lived in an old folks home, well, there’s always an agenda of activities and even a room devoted to people sitting around playing dominoes and spite and malice. and it struck me how nice that would be. cool glasses of iced tea. if only you all weren’t just waiting around to *die* or for something to break. a friend of mine whose grandmother just fell and broke her back was talking about that yesterday– how the places she’s been in are swank, like prep schools with salons and big squishy furniture, but with an evil-smelling fissure down the middle of disappointment and death. ick. that’s not really what I want. but just everyone kind of around– less of this busy-busy hyper-scheduledness. to be able to wander (*wander*! what a concept) around the corner and maybe pick up a game of ping pong. that would be cool.

2 Replies to “another summer friday”

  1. Yes, the ice cream socials and the games are nice and the people who work there are much sweeter than the Resident Advisors I knew when I was in college (althouth they would buy contraband for us if the price was right), but I really don’t think you’d like it very much. It seems to me that many of these places are just as clique-ish as school was and, while there’s nothing better than a clique when you’re in one, I think there are things we should at least pretend to outgrow.


  2. This is why I miss high school…there was *always* a bridge/spades/something game somewhere at NCSSM.


    Can we be an autonomous collective? ;-)

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