terror and joy

is it possible that we make our lives small because all the opportunities and richness and potentiality are just… overwhelming? terrifying? maybe we are afraid that our own lives will drown us if we enter them fully.

sometimes I see these little glimpses, this verge, right there… and I– step back. it so stops my heart– or starts it pounding in the most disturbing way. of course, I must collect myself. I must have myself well in hand. I turn away. hesitate and then the moment passes away.

this horace quotation that came to me in a.word.a.day recently is just kicking my ass all over the place lately–

He who postpones the hour of living is like the rustic who waits for the river to run out before he crosses.”
-Horace, poet and satirist (65-8 BCE)

I feel like I’m standing on that river bank, just waiting, so afraid to get wet– and the river keeps running by, just laughing and crying at me hanging there as if there were such a thing as the opportune moment. there is grace in diving.

7 Replies to “terror and joy”

  1. is it possible that we make our lives small because all the
    opportunities and richness and potentiality are just… overwhelming?
    terrifying?Yes. That Horace quote is frightening because it is so true.

  2. Very true. Even if you jump in, get cold and wet and discover it's too deep to cross, it'll still be an adventure to remember as you walk along the bank looking for another place to try again.

  3. I was just talking to a friend about "living" yesterday. I've been bumbling along the shore, maybe enjoying the scenery on the sidelines. But, it's definitely time I jumped in and immersed myself in the river instead of letting it hold me back. Thank you for this post. I needed it today.

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