fare thee well, big teddy bear dog

I have some very sad news– still pretty new to me, so I'm still kind of trying to process it– today mister george, akita and friend extraordinaire, died. the whole ordeal was pretty awful, actually, involving bloat, emergency taxi rides, visits to multiple animal hospitals, large bills, and, in the end, a phone call over bi bim bop not an hour after we left (once they had him stabilized and we'd decided to watch and see for 12 hrs) that he was on his way out, if we could make it there in 10 minutes I could see him, but he was going fast. a 15 minute drive away, I burst into tears, not for the first or last time today– but that was it.

my george is gone.

I am enormously grateful to and for chris, who was there beside me, helping me through the worst of it.

I am grateful to all the vets and techs who worked so hard to help george and who eased his pain and took such good care of him in his final hours.

but most of all I'm grateful to have had seven and a half years with my dear, dear friend. a truer heart I have never known.

good dogsso tired

Georgehead_only2who could say no to that face?

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27 Replies to “fare thee well, big teddy bear dog”

  1. Oh Sarah, I am sorry I missed your calls this morning and so, so sorry Georgie is gone. Matt and I loved him so very much. He was the best, most lovable boy. Please let me know if you need anything.

  2. Oh my gosh. I am so so sorry for your loss. It is a terribly deep sadness to lose a loved one.. and we all knows that our pets aren't just pets.. they are family members. He was a really beautiful dog with such a sweet face! My babies (a cat and dog.. and two adopted cats) and I are sending you lots of hugs and well wishes today. :(

  3. Oh, sweetie. I so feel you. George is beyond his suffering now. And I can tell by your loving tribute here that you loved him like the dickens. He'll be with you forever. (((hug)))

  4. Oh, Sarah, I'm so sorry to hear this. You were so good to Georgie. I'll miss him, and I'll always think of him as a part of you — he always will be! I'm sending sincere love and hugs your way.

  5. I almost cried when I read that. So sorry to hear. He was a good dog… at least his suffering was brief… I know that does nothing for yours.

  6. I'm so sorry, Sarah. I remembered the first time I met him when I came to your house in Iowa for movies. How adorable he was. I can understand how you feel now. Be strong!

  7. Did you have any idea what bloat was before any of this? I know I wouldn't have, until it was too late. God, keeping up with all the things specific sorts of animals are prone to is so difficult and it's the kind of thing that makes me feel so helpless, so little.I'm so, so sorry you had to lose George that way. Totally unfair.Much love and many hugs and everything else.

  8. I am so sorry. May you find comfort in knowing that forever now he will run and play at the Rainbow Bridge, waiting for you to join him.There is no pain worse than losing a beloved pet. All 4 of my furbabies send their love. And my departed fuzzy ones are playing with George now. Probably chasing him around and nipping his ankles :)) ((((Hugs)))))

  9. I am so, so sorry. I've been getting caught up on the hood and so read Lisa's posting first and loved the image you put out there of George and Eddie playing together. My thoughts are with you. xo

  10. i am so incredibly sad and sorry for your loss of George. he was such a good boy and i know you loved him so much. know that i am thinking of you, hoping to see you and give big hugs when you're in iowa city next.

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