hip hip hoorah!!

monsieur le grandissimo couch is away, and I am, in effect, moved. couldn’t have begun to manage it without the feats of my he-man.

lordie, even with the sum total transfer of goods clocking in at 3 miles, moving is a heckuva thing. and why do I always seem to choose to do it in july? I ask you.

9 Replies to “hip hip hoorah!!”

  1. Yeah, moving is a hassle, and in the heat it's a downright pain. I made myself a promise to hire movers from now on, but even then it is a rigmarole. Congrats on the new living arrangement! Yay!

  2. yes, I've been unclear– that's my old place–the windows were the big selling point when I took it two years ago. the new place is currently boxville and not feeling terribly photogenic, but I'll see what I can do. :)thanks for the notes, guys– it is a huge relief to be centered in one place.

  3. Yeah I loved the old place. Those windows were awesome.
    Please do post pics of the new place, however unphotogenic. When I picture you, I picture you in places that I know…. and now I hardly know any of them.
    I'm glad you're feeling more centered. Helluva hot stinky time to move, though. I didn't envy you your stairs at all.
    You're a hero, and so's your man. Tell him I said so. :P

  4. those windows are gorg! shame you can't take them with you when you move … :(
    moving is such a beast … i just moved last week too, and i managed it on my own (the man was at work, sadly). living among the boxes is exhausting! good luck with the unpacking!

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