I got paid

yesterday was a good, long day– I went in to the press and tinkered with jen’s tabletop 6″x9″ sigwalt platen press, learning lots of hands-on lessons about how linoleum blocks play on this kind of machine and about print area limitations and the like (all in aid of considering purchasing a similar press for home use)– with a break midday to drive up to skokie and meet laura and tammy and gina for a giddy catchup lunch– more printing through the afternoon, and then to drew’s eatery with jen and her daughter jo (how doggone cute is she??) for yummy clear-conscience fare for dinner– and eventually home, feeling good and tired…

only to find an envelope virtually sparking with surprise from my lovely friend (both FB and REAL) gina down in durham, nc– the first of our mutual “pay it forward” creative pledges for 2011…

happy lucky me.

One Reply to “I got paid”

  1. I just thought to go back and check feeds (silly busy week last week) — you did post pics! I am so delighted that you liked it! Happy happy!

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