the hood

I recently signed up for email updates from EveryBlock Chicago— but the more I get these little bombs in my inbox, the more I consider the salutary wisdom of unsubscribing (and, frankly, I find the concept of “simple” assault or battery perfectly flummoxing):


Here’s all the news we at EveryBlock found around [my block] yesterday:

5 locations in the media

  • 5000 N. Sheridan Road Uptown Quick Stop Robbed, 11:10 PM

    The Uptown Quick Stop at 5000 N. Sheridan Road in Chicago was just robbed (at 11:10 p.m.) this evening (May 4). Police, on scanner, say suspect is a male black who fled on foot in an unknown direction.

    Published by Chicago News Bench on May 5, 2009.

  • Lawrence & Sheridan JJ Peppers Robbed At Gunpoint?

    “JJ Peppers (at Lawrence & Sheridan) was just robbed a gunpoint (Monday night). The robbery victim is losing consciousness so an ambulance is now required. The perps are three black males who fled to Lawrence and Winthrop.”

    Published by Uptown Update on May 5, 2009.

  • Lawrence and Winthrop JJ Peppers Robbed At Gunpoint?

    “JJ Peppers (at Lawrence & Sheridan) was just robbed a gunpoint (Monday night). The robbery victim is losing consciousness so an ambulance is now required. The perps are three black males who fled to Lawrence and Winthrop.”

    Published by Uptown Update on May 5, 2009.

  • Broadway and Clifton Supporting The Arts On Clifton

    Watch as this young man vandalizes a building at Broadway and Clifton.

    Published by Uptown Update on May 5, 2009.

  • Kenmore and Lawrence Hookers & Crack Pipes & Slurs, Oh My!

    …10 AM. I had just picked a newspaper and was walking past the corner of Kenmore and Lawrence when I was solicited by a woman I had never seen before. She was across…

    Published by Uptown Update on May 5, 2009.

12 crimes

8 business reviews

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5 Replies to “the hood”

  1. Uh…Scary… We have a nice crime blog in KC, MO. It details some of the bigger crimes in the area, plus some of the funnier ones from around the nation.

  2. 7 out of 12 crimes occuring during daylight hours! Does fear now have to be a 24-hour respnsibility?
    Yes – stay alot of lurking.

  3. i dont think we have anything like this in glasgow. would be cool but yeh, a bit of a pandoras box.
    i wonder what complex battery and complex assault is like.
    let's be careful out there

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